January 11, 2015

Harvey Wallbanger Cake

As healthy as we all strive to be, there are occasions that call for desserts. Since not all of my anticipated guests would be happy with a fruit salad, I do like to keep certain desserts in my repertoire. I am not a baker, but I know enough to be dangerously delicious. Because of this, I have not experimented with alternatives to make desserts more healthy and I really should. Some ideas for alternatives here would be egg whites vs. eggs, a different glaze, and sugar free pudding mix.

This recipe is one from my grandmother. I'm not quite sure what other desserts she makes (aside from cookies) or where she got this recipe from, but I enjoy it every time! It's also not a dessert everyone knows about, so it makes for a great dessert for guests, especially when you tell them it is based off of a drink.

Servings are estimated and can vary based on the server.

Note: 1/4 cup is about the size of an alcohol nip. This is a cheaper method for buying the alcohol if you don't typically carry it in the house. 

Servings: 14 * Calories: 289 * Fat: 12 g * Carb: 40 g * Cholesterol: 60 mg * Protein: 3 g * Sugar: 28 g * Sodium: 306 mg *  Fiber: 1 g

Vitamins: A (2%), C (15%), Calcium (7%), Iron (6%) based on a 2000 calorie diet

  • 1 package yellow cake mix
  • 1 package instant vanilla pudding
  • 3/4 cup orange juice 
  • 1/4 cup Galliano liquour
  • 1/4 cup vodka
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 4 large eggs
  • Butter or shortening for greasing
  • 1-2 tbsp flour (used when greasing pan)

    For glaze: orange juice and powdered sugar.


Pre-heat oven to 350 F.

Place all cake ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix until blended. This can be done by hand with a whisk or by a mixer.

Grease a bundt pan with butter or shortening and lightly flour. For easy greasing, I take a ziplock bag and put my hand in it. My hand is then protected and clean while greasing. Once done, I flip the bag inside out and voila, no mess! 

Pour the mixture into the bundt pan.

Cook for 45-50 minutes.

Once cooked, let cool for a minute or two and then flip the bundt pan onto your serving dish. Be careful, because the pan is hot! If the cake isn't coming out, of the pan, gently shake back and forth. If it is still resistant, use a butter knife to gently loosen the sides where it is stuck. This may occur as the cake cools and contracts.

Once the cake is flipped onto the serving dish, let cool. 

Mix ~1/4 cup orange juice and 1 cup powdered sugar together until smooth. Add more powdered sugar until the consistency is thick, but still spoonable. This will be drizzled onto the cake as a glaze. It is ok for the glaze to pour down the sides of the cake a little, but thick enough that the top of the cake will be be covered in the glaze. 

Using a spoon, drizzle glaze onto top of cake. Glaze will often drip down the sides of the cake.

Let stand for 10 minutes and serve. I made mine a day ahead of time and put in a portable cake dish.

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